Escape to the Sky: Dive into the Epic World of Sky Zephyrs in D&D 5e S2 EP20

Escape to the Sky: Dive into the Epic World of Sky Zephyrs in D&D 5e S2 EP20

** Mature Language Warning** I talk with Tom and Bohdi @HOMIEandTheDUDE (same on Twitter) about their new 5E module Sky Zephyrs, Kickstarting soon, which allows anyone to build an Airship and experience travel and combat in a whole new way. Along with the ruleset, you get new magic, weapons and VTT capabilities along with an…

Final day before GenCon and we’re busy! Just a quick video update!

Final day before GenCon and we’re busy! Just a quick video update!

Final video before we get to GenCon! #gencon #gencon2023 #boardgames #dnd #boardgaming #tabletoproleplayinggame Subscribe to support our content!Follow us on @badly_games on Twitter!website: can donate to our Ko-FI here: #dnd #gencon #gencon2023 #boardgames #boardgaming T-Shirts: BADLY15 at checkout for 15% off your order! Music:DJ Williams: The Sound of a Dollar

GenCon Countdown, 3 days left: Tips for a more pleasant experience!

GenCon Countdown, 3 days left: Tips for a more pleasant experience!

Getting close now! 3 days until GenCon! Here are a few tips that might help when attending! Subscribe to support our content!Follow us on @badly_games on Twitter!website: can donate to our Ko-FI here: #dnd #gencon #gencon2023 #boardgames #boardgaming T-Shirts: BADLY15 at checkout for 15% off your order! Music:DJ Williams: The Sound of…

Hurt and Determined: My Journey to GenCon in 4 Days

Hurt and Determined: My Journey to GenCon in 4 Days

Yep, I hurt my knee SOMEHOW and it’s been bugging me since yesterday. Hopefully it will mend or it’ll be a different trip than I anticipated. Either way, I’m going! Oh, and I prepped my laptop this morning too. Subscribe to support our content!Follow us on @badly_games on Twitter!website: can donate to our Ko-FI…